- Adams - Adams Sno-Drifters, P.O. Box 25, Adams, MA 01220, Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 7 P.M., American Legion Post 160, Adams. Snow Phone 413-743-1132 Contact: Hank Poirot 413-743-2659
Ashfield - Hilltown Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 556, Ashfield, MA 01330, Meetings 1st Tuesday of the month at Peppermint Park Camping Resort, Grant Street, Plainfield 7:30 PM. Contact: Mike Dufresne 413-628-9964
Ashley Falls - Southern Berkshire Sno-Dusters, P.O. Box 393, Ashley Falls, MA 01222, Contact: Chuck Pickert 413-229-3578
Buckland - Buckland Riders Incorporated, P.O. Box 176, Buckland, MA 01338, www.bucklandriders.com, Meetings 1st Monday of the Month, Sept. through April, 7:30 p.m., Shelburne Falls Eagles Club. Contact: Tammy Lowell 413-625-0261 Email: Paul Orzechowski
Chester - Gateway Sno-Gators, 20 Sylvester Hamilton Road, Chester, MA 01011, Contact: Florence Bolduc 413-654-6350
Colrain - Colrain Snow-Drifters, PO Box 78, Colrain, MA 01340, Meetings 2nd Sunday evening of each month, at Pine Hill Orchard Restaurant, Colrain. Contact: Don Grenier 413-624-0110
Conway - Conway Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 112, Conway, MA 01341, www.sledconway.com, Meetings 1st Monday of the month, Oct. through April, 7:30 p.m., Conway Firehouse. Contact: Carol Thurlow 413-625-9475
East Brookfield - Trailbusters Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 355, East Brookfield, MA 01515, www.geocities.com/trailbusters2000/index.html, Meeting Times: Brookfield Rod & Gun Club, Brookfield, MA (Various times). First Meeting is October 4th at 7:00PM. Email:
- East Otis - Knox Trail Sno-Riders Club, Box 363, East Otis, MA 01029, www.knoxtrail.com,
Breakfast meeting 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month between October and April
at the Club House, Tannery Road. Info and Snow Line: 413-269-0243 Contact: Bill Taylor - 413-269-4792
Gill - Bernardston-Gill-Leyden Snowmobile Club, 181 Main Rd, Gill, MA 01376, Meetings last Monday of the month, 7 p.m., Bernardston Veterans Club, 16 Hartwell Street, Bernardston, MA 01337 (Center of town behind the United Church). Contact: Jeff Miller - Phone: 413-624-3075
- Haydenville - Burgy Bullets Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 294, Haydenville, MA 01039, www.geocities.com/burgy_bullets/, Meetings 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at the clubhouse in Williamsburg. Contact: Randy Shea 860-675-5082 Email:
- Heath - Indianhead Snowmobile Club, 55 Long Hill Road, PO Box 699, Heath, MA 01346, www.indianheadsnow.com, Meetings 2nd Wednesday of the month October - February 5 meetings, locations change each month Email: indianhead@hotmail.com Contact: Mike Smead 413-337-5389
Leicester - Leicester Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 400, Leicester, MA 01524, www.bradrand.com/lsc/, Meetings second Wednesday of the Month. October - March. Meeting Time 7:00pm, Rod & Gun Club, Whittemore Street , Leicester, MA 01524. Contact: Ken Wall 508-892-8754
Leominster - Montachusett Snow Riders, 42 Dogwood Road, Leominster, MA 01453, www.montachusettsnowriders.com, Contact: Howard Heinhold 978.534.8978
Lunenburg - Warwick Sno-Streakers, 21 Parmenten Road, Lunenburg, MA 01462, Contact: Steve Perkins 978.544.7533
Marlboro - Easy Rider's Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 271, Marlboro, MA 01752, www.ersc.net,
Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday evening each month October - March -
7:30 P.M. at the Marlboro Fish and Game Club off Route 20 West in
Marlboro. Contact: Dick Wolfe 978-562-5001
Mill Valley - Mill Valley Snowmobile Club, x, Mill Valley, MA 99999, www.millvalleysnowmobile.org, Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month September - April 7:00 P.M. Meeting time 7:00 PM, VFW Old Pelham Road, Belchertown, MA 01007 Contact: 413-323-7670
North Adams - Florida Mountaineers, P.O. Box 284, North Adams, MA 01247, www.floridamountaineers.com, Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at The Depot Restaurant, Monroe Bridge, first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. Contact: Tim Keating 413-662-2705
North Orange - Tully Trail Twisters, 90 Creamery Hill Road, North Orange, MA 01331, www.tullytrailtwisters.homestead.com/index.html, Meetings: 3rd Monday every month year round @ 6:30PM, Contact: Kenneth Prue 978-575-0321
Northfield - Northfield Snowmobile Club, 906 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01938, Meetings first Wednesday of the month, Oct. through March, 7:30 P.M. Northfield Town Hall Contact: Robert Phelps 413-498-2746
Orange - Mt. Grace Sno-Snoopers, 196 Magoon Road, Orange, MA 01364, Meetings 1st Monday of the month, 8 p.m., at the clubhouse. Contact: Mike Flanders 978-544-6719
Pittsfield - Berkshire Snow Seekers, P.O. Box 1102, Pittsfield, MA 01202, www.berkshiresnowseekers.com, Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7 P.M., SkyLine Country Club - Route 7 - Lanesboro. Contact: Gary Bushey
Rutland - Coldbrook Snowmobile Club, 28 Laurelwood Road, Rutland, MA 01543, www.coldbrooksnowmobilers.com, Meetings 1st Monday of the month (non-holiday), American Legion Post 2 Route 62 in Barre. Contact: Dean Zuppio 508-886-6752
Sandisfield - Sandisfield Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 94, Sandisfield, MA 01255, Meetings: 1st Sunday of the month October - April. Tucker's Restaurant, Route 8, Sandisfield, 11 AM. Contact: George Munson, Pres. 413-258-4887 Email:
Savoy - Savoy Kanary Kats, 20 Old Dalton Road, Savoy, MA 01256, www.savoykanarykats.org, Meetings 1st Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m., at the Hilltop Restaurant, Plainfield. Phone: Mike Krutiak 413-743-1549 Email:
kanarykats@aol.com, Mail Membership Applications to Sandra LaFrance, 279 Old Main Road, Savoy, MA 01256
Shrewsbury - Snowmobilers United, 6 Hazel Ave, Shrewsbury, MA 01545, Meetings first Wednesday of the month 7:30 p.m., American Legion, West Boylston. Contact: Ralph Corcoran 508-845-6821
Shutesbury - Porcupine Ridge Runners, P.O. Box 24, Shutesbury, MA 01072, Meetings Second Thursday of the month, 7:00 P.M. Shutesbury Athletic Club. Contact: George Gillispie 413-259-1905
South Royalston - Birch Hill Rangers Snowmobile Club, 12 New Boston Road, South Royalston, MA 01368, Meetings: First Friday of the Month, September - April, Royalston Fish & Game Club. Contact: Mike Gelsomini 978-632-4788
Southampton - Southampton Sno-Goers, P.O. Box 643, Southampton, MA 01073, Meetings first Monday of the month, Southampton Senior Center (Larrabee School) 7 P.M. Contact: 413-527-7158
Spencer - Snowbirds Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 28, Spencer, MA 01562, www.spencersnowbirds.com, Meetings last Thursday of the month. September - March 7:30pm, Rod & Gun Club, Whittemore Street, Leicester, MA 01524 Contact: Jan Gordon
Stafford Springs - Nipmuck Trail Riders Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 33, Stafford Springs, MA 06706, Meetings 1st Tuesday of the month, Sept. through April 7:30 P.M. Memorial Hall, Stafford, CT.
Sterling - Sterling Snow Blazers, 81 Redemption Rock Trail, Sterling, MA 01564, Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month. Contact: Richard Howe 978.365.1711
Still River - Harvard Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 43, Still River, MA 01467, Meeting second Tuesday every month at Harvard Fire Station Contact: Denise Leonardi 978-425-2344
Tyringham - Tyringham Ridge Runners, P.O. Box 423, Tyringham, MA 01264, Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesday's of the month (October - April) 7:00 PM, Tyringham Firehouse. Contact: Richard Loring 413.243.2147
West Chesterfield - Chesterfield Four Seasons Club, River Road, West Chesterfield, MA 01084, Meetings last Thursday of each month 7:30 p.m. Contact: Jeff Slesinski 413-296-4048
Westport - Bristol County Snowmobile Club, 145 Blossom Road, Westport, MA 01790, Meetings 1st Thursday of the month, Oct. through April 7 p.m., Bristol Community College, Fall River. Contact: Neil Buckley 508-672-2417
Whately - Greater Whately Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 14, Whately, MA 01093, www.geocities.com/highspeed99.geo/, Meetings are the Second Monday of every month September thru April at the Whately Town Hall across from the Whately Inn on Chestnut Plain Rd, 7 PM. Email:
greaterwhatelysnowmobileclub@yahoo.com Contact: Carl Brooks 413-665-3846
Winchendon - Snowbound Club, 130 Old Baldwinville Road, Winchendon, MA 01475, Meetings last Wednesday of the month, 8:00 P.M. At the clubhouse on Old Baldwinville Road, Winchendon. Contact: Dean Sweeney 978-297-2464
Worthington - Worthington Snowmobile Club, P.O. Box 552, Worthington, MA 01098, Meetings first and third Wednesdays of the month, 7 p.m. Worthington Fire Station. Contact: Bob Gilbert 413-238-5878